This month, students of the Faith of the Pure Ray are focusing on the principles of Islam, and celebrating Ramadan, a time for setting aside the cares of the world and focusing on introspection on the principles of equality, and also tolerance and empowerment, and then creativity.
The favorite power game associated with Islam is terrorism, which is lashing out in anger when the Muslim sees someone who is not standing on the principles. Mankind always has three choices, and one is to stand on the principles, then another is to ignore the crisis and pass it on to future generations, and then one is to go down into the power games, which is the case of Muslims is terrorism--lashing out in anger. Ramadan, when observed based on its highest level, helps to clarify which option is the best.
Our Light Source Invention helps to clarify the importance of tolerance, which is on the opposite side of the planning circle from Islam. When people rise in protest, tolerance brings together everyone to come up with a plan that benefits everyone, and then the plan must stand on the principles of Christianity, which teaches creativity. Zero tolerance leads to more oppression--plans that benefit no one.
(Our Tolerance brochure)
This month, the Trump administration has announced their policy of zero tolerance for illegal immigrants that are coming across the border asking for refuge. It has finally been revealed that Trump is using his policy, not to stand on the laws, but to back Congress into a corner to approve his immigration plan which includes the border wall. Previous attempts to introduce an immigration reform included a Muslim ban.
Tolerance is the principle that brings the swinging pendulum back to the midpoint when there are acts of terrorism. The root cause of terrorism is that the people are denied a voice in their government, which is one of our unalienable rights granted to us by our Creator. Trump's policy of zero tolerance and a border wall won't solve the problem of terrorism.
The Trump administration argues that they are just following the law, and this argument could stand in court, except that there is a misunderstanding in our legal system that is creating chaos.
Form email to Speaker of the House Paul Ryan on immigration June 17, 2018
There is a misunderstanding in our legal system that is
causing chaos. Many people see two levels, when there are three (Principles,
Power and Project) or Universal Law, constitutional law and federal law.
Universal Law applies to every atom in the Universe, and that is where we get
our unalienable rights. It stands on seven principles: equality, liberty,
freedom, compassion, abundance, capacity and tolerance. When our government
stands on only constitutional law and federal law, it can justify, even in court,
oppressive power games. For example, the first requirement for conflict
resolution is that both sides must be considered equal. If a court case is a
mini-war, how can our government guarantee fairs trials if there is no equality
under the law?
The Constitution is the Power aspect, and it is not fixed,
but evolutionary and it evolves and devolves as Americans do. It addresses use
of power when it delineates the duties and rights and privileges of elected
officials, and when to remove them from power when they abuse their power.
Impeachment must be considered one of the Checks and Balances. When people are
saying, "This is not America," then it is time to consider that what
our elected officials are doing is an abuse of constitutional power, and that
is an impeachable offense, because the House represents and will of the people
and the Senate addresses the rights of the people.
Tolerance is necessary to bring together everyone to create a plan that benefits everyone. Zero tolerance is unlawful, and an abuse of power.