The US Constitution has evolved from when our founding fathers first opened debates on writing a document that established a new nation, when federal rights and States rights discussed. The majority of them were ready to sign the document until Patrick Henry stood up and raised the question of individual rights. That debate led to the Bill of Rights--the first ten amendments of the US Constitution.
The sixth amendment covers our rights to a fair trial. It lists the criteria for a fair trial, such as it must be speedy, and conducted by impartial "judges," but what is missing from the list of criteria are the principles that ends the dispute and allows everyone involved to function on a higher level,
Universal Law has been forgotten within our legal system as laws are written to benefit the few over the whole nation. The focus is on our Constitution, not Universal Law, as what fixes America on a very high level, and the constitution evolves based on where our nation is at the time. Nations can evolve or devolve based on fears, and on the compensatory power games that arise from the fears. The squeezing forces are not bad, it is how you react to them that is important.
Universal Law is based on seven principles that allow mankind to walk the straight and narrow--that bring the proverbial pendulum back to the midpoint where dilemmas are resolved. They are equality, liberty, freedom, compassion, abundance, capacity and tolerance.
The world is facing the worst case scenario. A global genocide has started, and genocides are based on weaving an illusion. The truth is being twisted and turned to the point where no one knows who to trust. Even the most honorable and truthful people can be twisted and turned to the point of mental illness and lost in the illusion. Under the circumstances, how can anyone have a fair trial?
Our Exit Strategy for Iraq establishes the protocol that is based on all seven principles and allows for a fair trail so that everyone can function on a higher level. This proposal has associated books and booklets that address the principles and the application of the principles, and in "A Manual for Peace" and in "A Manual for the One World Government," Seth addresses these issues. Then, he empowers those who are interested in going deeper into the issue to do so.
Our project to purify the US legal system will include dinner parties with group channeling sessions to senators, Supreme Court justices and even the president of the United States can ask past kings, queens and presidents, including our original founding fathers about how to purify our legal system, and they can speak from personal experience, and then turn responsibility back onto the shoulders of the people in office today to apply what they have learned.
I am not an attorney or very knowledgeable about our legal system. I am a channel, and my gift from our Creator is to be able to channel anyone "on the other side." My guides are the past kings, queens and presidents, and we all share the goal of world peace by taking their creation to the global level.